The Local Effects of Climate Change
Ginny's dog, Google, at Merrill Park, 2010 is reporting that climate change is closing local zoos. After Tropical Storm Ida flooded Johnson Park Zoo Piscataway, it’s been announced that two other zoos will soon close forever: Thompson Park Zoo and Merrill Park Zoo; a pig had died in flooding during Ida at the Merrill Park Zoo, so the risk of flooding remains a possibility for the animals at these refuges. Plans are in the works to find new shelters and sanctuaries for all the animals affected.
This is actually the second climate change article in the news today; while the zoo story is local, globally, there is now a snow crab shortage caused by climate change; the female snow crab population has declined by 99% in just one year. No one knows where the crabs have gone, or if they have gone or if they have died off. The only thing for certain is that they are no longer there in their normal range for fishermen, and this has caused a spike in the price of snow crab legs to skyrocket. There are talks of plans to attempt to rebuild the population and with any luck, that will meet with success.
N.J. Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette, while testifying before a joint meeting of the Senate Environment and Energy Committee and the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee recently, stated “[…] “New Jersey’s changing climate is forcing residents and businesses to grapple with a world of worsening extremes […] and stressed what NJ should be doing to deal with our changing climate.
We can already see climate change here in NJ, in our closing zoos, periods of drought and flood, intense heat, and extreme snow; saying goodbye to favorites like snow crab and watching the pricing of food rise.
We can each do our part in addition to government and industry intervention. One example can be found on UC Davis’ website.
9 Travel Essentials Everyone Needs
If there’s something here you decide you just must have, we’ve provided links to the product websites. When you click on the link and make a purchase, Beasley Media Group may earn a commission. We are an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases.
Hey guys! I recently traveled with my kids to Florida by plane. I’m sure any parent knows that traveling with kids, especially little ones, is essentially a full-time job. There are tons of different things going on at the airport that can cause chaos and travel anxiety. You’ve gotta remember to wear the right shoes, to know where you’re laptop is, ensure that you don’t have water in your bottle… and that’s just getting through TSA! That’s not to mention all of the other things that happen in the airport while you’re waiting to board your plane. So how do you make traveling via plane less stressful? Well, there are some surefire items I found to make traveling so much easier. Check out these 9 travel essentials that everyone should definitely have when they’re flying.
Please note that items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time we published this list. Have an idea for a fun theme for a gift idea list you’d like us to create? Drop us a line at [email protected].
Ginny Otte is a lifelong resident of New Jersey, having grown up in Lincoln Park, and lived in Wayne. She began her career in radio as the result of a prank phone call where the on-air personality she called said “please call again tomorrow,” and the station hired her to produce the show two months later; by 2006, Ginny began working middays at WMTR, and considers spending middays with listeners for so many years to be one of the highlights of her life. Ginny’s hobbies include genetic genealogy, family trees, knitting, crocheting, camping and hiking. She is a mother to three adult children and a grandmother to one.