KFC Bath Bomb Will Be A Wish List Must For Every Chicken Fan
Within recent years, America has stepped up their bath game.
A lot of this newly found water love is due to the popularity of bath bombs. You yourself may even be in love with the fizzing addition. Well, like anything popular, there are a series of incarnations of the product. Some of which are mighty weird. Yes, we are looking at you pizza and coriander bath salts!
Thanks to KFC, we now have a weird bath bomb to add to the collection. The fast food location and Village Vanguard have come up with their own chicken-scented bath bomb. The brand in known for their soup baths which essentially look like a packet of warm meal, but for your tub. Hilariously, customers can choose from miso soup, ramen, curry, Korean hot pot, and yakisoba says Metro UK. All of which will make their bathes smell delicious.
KFC in Japan have released a drumstick shaped bath bomb that makes you smell of fried chicken. Mmm..might eat myself after a bath #Chicken pic.twitter.com/ypDAQ0QZi3
— DJ Den Magic đ§đȘ© đźđȘ đ”đž (@DenMagic) November 2, 2017
Needless to say, the business knows weird baths! Their chicken creation is shaped like a drumstick and smells exactly like the produce. Funny enough, the official name of the product is âChicken Smell Bathing Powerâ.
However, thereâs one catch about this product! You cannot purchase it from an online store. Recipients of the limited edition item will be chosen between November 1st to November 15th. Only 100 people will be selected and they must live in Japan noted Daily Mail. If you happen to live abroad, well first of all we are shocked you are reading this. Secondly, make sure you hop on Twitter to retweet KFCâs bath bomb competition.
— ă±ăłăżăăăŒăă©ă€ăăăăłđ (@KFC_jp) October 30, 2017
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If you happen to win, the bath bomb is sure to make you feel like a little drumstick. Currently, thereâs no word on if the rare bathing item will make its way to the states. We are sure some beauty product company out there is going to attempt to make a similar product, or someone will post some on eBay. At least, we can only hope!
Sarah is a Hufflepuff living in NYC. When she is not traveling or talking to random animals, she is working as a script writer. Tweet her at @lumpyspacederpÂ