Chris Pratt Took A “Which Hollywood Chris Are You?” Quiz – And Failed!
Talk about hilarious! Chris Pratt took a “Which Hollywood Chris are you?” quiz and he didn’t get himself.
Rather, he ended up with Chris Evans, which is not exactly a BAD SCORE, but at the same time – you’d think if you were taking a quiz with yourself as a result, you’d probably end up as yourself. Truthfully, we’re just waiting for Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth to troll Chris Pratt about this publicly.
Dude I suck at quizzes
— Chris Pratt (@prattprattpratt) September 25, 2017
Well… At least you stayed within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and didn’t get Chris Pine?
Side Note – Plot Twist: I am apparently more Chris Pratt than Chris Pratt is. Head over to Oh My Disney and take the quiz.
Amy Cooper is one with the force and the force is with her.
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